Initiation into the Feminine for Women
This 3-month intensive is initiating you Into The Dark & Light Feminine. A fully embodied journey where you explore the shadow, find acceptance for these energies and let her shine!
Course communication
Morning Session 1. Sat 8/1/22
Afternoon Session 2. Sat 8/1/2022
Session 3.Morning.9/1/2022
Session 4. Afternoon Sun 9/1/22
1st Tuesday Session: Move your emotions. 11/1/22
1st Sisters' Cafe 13/1/22
Womb Wisdom Journey and Full Moon Meditation 16/1/22
Embracing emotions with Raisa 18/1/22
2nd Sisters' Café 20/1/22
The 10 Cosmic Feminine Powers: An Introduction to The Mahavidhyas with Dijan
Emotional fluidity with Raisa 25/1/22
Feeling Safe in the Body with Raisa
Q & A with Taki'h 30/1/22
3rd Sisters' Café 27/1/22
Aquarius New Moon Ritual with Taki'h 1/2/22
4th Sisters' Café 3/2/22
Janine MaRee: The Feminine Keys 30/1/22
Dijan: The 10 Cosmic Feminine Powers: An Introduction to The Mahavidhyas 23/1/22
Jesslyn Be: The Great Mother - From Self Depletion to True Love 8/2/22
Lillian Love: Erotic Innocence 13/2/22
Tracy Kelleher: Devotional Nourishment
LF Sexuality Sharing with Sarah
Shakara : Templing & The Sacred Play of The Light Feminine
Leanne Edwards: Embodiment, Evolution & Ecstasy 22/2/22
Jasmeen Hana: The Two Sisters 1/3 2022
Freya: Herbal Journey 8/3/22
Sharmaine: DF Sensuality 13/3/22
Celeste Gónzalez: Erotic Rage 13/3/22
Laura Deva: Death 22/3/22
Diana Prem Shakti: The Ugly Witch
Winter Jade Icely: Magdalene. 30.3.22
Katie Holland: All Movement is Divine when the Heart is Danced Awake. 5/4/22
Ananda Sarita: Shakti Full Moon, An Evolution Into The Wholeness of Feminine Potential. 6/4/22
Light Feminine. 1st session. 5/2/22
Light Feminine. 2nd session. 5/2/22
Light Feminine. 3rd session. 6/2/22
Light Feminine. 4th session. Sun 7/2/22
Sisters' Clown Café
6th Sister's Cafe
7th Sister's Cafe
Q&A & Guided Journey with Taki'h 27/2/22
Connection and Belonging with Taki'h
8th Sisters' Café 3/3/22
Intuition with Taki'h
Breasts. Takih.
The Dark Feminine. Session 2. 5/3/2022
The Dark Feminine. Session 3. 6/3/2022
The Dark Feminine. Session 4. 6/3/2022
9th Sisters' Café. 10/3/22
10th Sister's Café. 17/03/22
Special Ritual for the Equinox and the Light & Dark Feminine Sisterhood
Dark feminine. Session 1. 5/3/2022
11th Sisters' Café. 24/3/22
Special Ritual for the Sisterhood 27/3/22
12th Sisters' Café. 31/3/3022
Sharing Circle 3/4/22
13th Sister's Cafe 7/4/22
Closing Circle 10/4/22